Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

So, Wind, you’re saying that there could be Empire roles that are mafia?

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Look, I’ve been focused on murderising Ancient Spirits, I missed that lol.
But yeah, ancient spirit, as Wind says =/= Wolf

If that’s the case this game was rigged against us from the start and our best bet is to mechsolve / maybe flavorsolve

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idek whats goign on at this point


It seems rather unfun so I hope that’s not it

Wind are you sure your information wasn’t tampered with because I am like 99% sure that the person was just a wolf off the game state

OK maybe I got it the wrong way around, but yes
Wincon is separate from faction, at least that part is correct

Anyway Magnus was not affiliated with the cult, their rolecard was exactly as flipped, aligned with nobody and wincon was to kill all other ancient spirits, as I said before. Reads like a 3p wincon but it’s identical to what Kiiruma claimed so idk if we just have a bunch of 3ps and very low wolf count, or no wolves at all, but there must be a cult because of the announcement.

Flavorsolving is supposed to reveal the bastard elements so yeah

Magnus didn’t even have a dreamer thing

VOTE: Litten

Idk how we’re finding what, six 3ps? Or however many there would be


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Oh they did
But it was on their fakeclaim rolecard

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Did yall like my prompt :pleading_face:


Anyway I’m in a much better mood now so I can actually start doing things

Of course, I love it

If we just go by claims then uh

@Kiiruma Where results

Vulgard, I’m an ancient spirit who needs other ancient spirits dead and can make it so informed minority members join my hood. This doesn’t mean they’re all informed minority, some members of the Empire might be informed minority within the cult.

I think the cult is something else as Wind says. It can have some members of ‘empire’ and some of ‘ancient spirit’. We don’t know.

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Kii claimed results
Artemis couldn’t be added to the hood but for some reason she died with a concealed flip lol