Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Honestly i dont know what im even hunting for anymore and this isnt really what i signed up for lol

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Iā€™m not going to help you guys kill wolf empires Iā€™m only interested in ancient spirits

Well, ā€œwolvesā€
If a wolf is Empire I wonā€™t have to kill them lol


This is actually so dumb
Somebody could wolfclaim to me and if theyā€™re Empire I can ignore it


wolf empires should out their wolf ancient spirits imo

Wait that might not even be a bad play depending on the numbers

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i donā€™t think either of you are getting at what i mean

iā€™m saying our wincons might be just flat out lies

Something is wrong with this because thereā€™s no way this should be a viable strategy

Wolf empires probably have some sort of condition like if too many cultists die they lose

what does this mean

What if wolf ancient sports are uninformed while empire are informed

i think this is cult vs non cult

we need to kill the cult to win

Someone claim to have shot artemis before i go down this litten rabbit hole

As I said
Itā€™s possible everyone needs ancient spirits dead and if we all work together we all win.
It would be weird but itā€™s not impossible.

Idk about cult tho

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no one has to believe me but this feels right. it feels like it makes sense to me

so you think this is a lie?

and both of these would also have to be lies

my response to the crystal ball said nothing about the spirits

they said the cult was winning. not the spirits


oh shit you actually used it okay

I personally donā€™t need to kill the cult but Iā€™m not sure why they have kp
If cultists each have wincons to kill ancient spirits then they wouldā€™ve killed Kiiruma, Luna and Magnus way earlier imo
so maybe itā€™s multiball in a way

Ancient spirits must kill ancient spirits
Empire must kill ancient spirits
Cultists must keep ancient spirits alive and kill empire?

I thought that item was ass so I immediately put it up as a prize

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