Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Oh right, L.una shares Kiiruma’s wincon, right?
I assume that also means uh… alignment (idk if that word even fits anymore)
What was the case with Cassandra?


i just don’t think all of cassandra/kii/l.una are on our side

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I’m caving what’s a flagbearer

if they die we win


okay cool

like the demon in botc
if all flagbearers on a team die that team loses

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@Wisdom claim night action

They said they would be targeting me, idk if they did

flag beater setups are either whiteflag or mechanical flags and I was a Jailkeeper in a recent one with a doctor with only one scum left and my speech to the town was

The game is over. Upon his death, Sheep dropped a red flag that I will proceed to snatch and wave it in front of his dead corpse as I attempt to mechanically and socially lock the game down, trapping the wolves in a box that they cannot escape. This might sound dramatic, but I do not think people realize just how bad this is for the mafia. Let me go into excruciating detail so the mafia can weep and despair about how the game isn’t in their hands anymore.

But first, I need to make my position in this game absolutely clear to everyone…

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I’m truly sadistic

Ignore the mech talk kill wolfy people fuck it and profit that’s where I’m at. I’m absolutely not gonna join in this wincon discussion.

But here’s what I know.

Magnus lied.

Magnus had abilities that are wolfy in a vacuum

Magnus tried to get me shot and I’m part of what I assume to be town

As far as I’m concerned Magnus was a “wolf” you can call that whatever you want I call this a win

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I might also know the identity of another Ancient Spirit but that depends on what happens out-of-thread

I will not elaborate further (the relevant people know)

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When u want to play a mafia game but end up playing a gacha game

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we’re so fucking back

It’s not confirmed so don’t go all like “WOOOOOO HOW DO U KNOW THIS WHY NOT CLAIM IMMEDIATELY VUL WTF”

I’m trying to figure it out

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Why are we back to “the mods are lying in our role cards” with zero discernible proof


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In the meantime, I would like to discuss something else

Kiiruma and min were apparently both informed that Artemis was an Ancient Spirit

What do we think about this

No idea tbh

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