Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I read ur soul there pal


and im going to take yours

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weā€™re soul linked after kotc tbh

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have fun with that

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*L.una is not Kiiruma
But claims to be aligned with Kiiruma
Kiiruma has no actual proof of this but has L.una in his card so isnā€™t exactly against it.

We need to attempt to vote cult members or else game would basically just end, as Ancient Spirits would willingly die for an auto-win. And the fact thatā€™s not a thing atm, it means the cult are a threat to us

I might reconsider wisdom
Ironically after saying I thought her readlist was town
Which was because I thought sheā€™d be more careful with it as a wolf
But forgetting scorbunny whom she claimed to target last night, and given how her ability supposedly works, is pretty weird. Youā€™d think she would be scumreading them, unless I missed scorbunny claiming something today, but wisdom appeared to have completely forgot that scorbunny existed after pushing them for part of the day.

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voting a robot over an actual player who could be a spirit spawning said robot and death would get rid of said robot is anti-town

You canā€™t take littenā€™s soul, he already lost it in this game

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has anyone ever seen L.una and Kiiruma in the same room at the same time
idk guys


Ok then

VOTE: Wisdom

I think it would be really funny if L.una and Cassandra are just actual people that the hosts want us to think are puppets

I am like moderately certain at this point that Wisdom/Scorbunny contains a cultist

Puts on disguise
Hello all, I am L.una
Stop calling me an alt, Iā€™m not an alt
(Iā€™m sorry L.una, this is me joking. I do trust you genuinely that youā€™re a different player who signed up and thereā€™s no pressure on you doing a lot this game. We can do this)

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VOTE: Wisdom

Thatā€™s what my info would suggest if the types of players are what was suggested

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I donā€™t know if I would laugh or cry

hey litten
whereā€™d l.una go anyway

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Iā€™m fairly sure L.una is a genuine person.
Cassandra less sure, but Cassandra is great and funny.
And maybe evil af

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No clue

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VOTE: Wisdom

Choo choo