Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

@Millium you are off work.

Do something I can read you based off of

cause i knew i was mech outed even before town knew lol
(and only subbed to play with someone specfic that kinda said as i subbed in let me die i donā€™t wanna play and died d1)

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My read is that Zenon would be feeling more enthused if they were evil because they havenā€™t been bad on this site for nearly a year.

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(it was continuing my point that both marl and Litten needed to be dayvigged to solve them because one wolf in the pair

agree to the point i think towny enough to not die today would love to see more from the little guy


Katze end gamed :thinking:

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yeah thats the part i needed
i wasnt here when you made the point in the first place, if youve forgotten

Zenon has been on this site for three months. What?

5 hours into day 1, I could spam post and yell at people
but you also did not see my last town game on this site, so no thanks (it was not fun for anyone involved)

if you are town, for now at least, I will bounce off your reads
I am also super comfortable with my vote on vulgard

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Iā€™m surprised that you knew that much without knowing she used to be on a different account.


i was on the same boat kinda. i had a town vibe when they were saying how bored they were at the gamestate earlier. i dont think she would verbalise that as scum

(lost scum claim/j)

Itā€™s easily checked from her profile.

Oh. Iā€™ll like to clear this up. I canā€™t really explain much besides ask people to read through my posts and come to the conclusion as to why I reacted the way I did to marluxion, because even if I die, it wonā€™t be clear from my role as to why I said that. I donā€™t think heā€™s mechanically outted. I think the way he treated me way similar to how eevee treated me and immediately got my hood disbanded for poking his head into something that he should t have. I have no mouth and I must scream nya. Me saying I had mechanical information as to them being a wolf was based off a snap reaction with how he was handeling my slot with the information that was given to me. I really canā€™t say more than that besides the fact that if you are reading this post, you should really reread my other posts and then read this post again nya!

Talk about vul

Rolling over like this and letting me try to plow through Marluxion is not a good look if marluxion is town, nya.

That was a lot of words with nothing actually said

Damn itā€™s almost like I wrote a whole block of text for a reason nya

okay so if weā€™re judging by past flavor stuff
fmpov cassandraā€™s alignment is not locked in
unfortunately i will say that cassandrabotā€™s alignment should be tossed in the air on future days, same to l.unabot.
that is all i will say regarding my own flavor right this moment.

Wolfy shaped post it was mlord

ftr i went back to check bc i wanted to know if atlasā€™s logic on the bot held up if i looked for my own flavor