Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

i didnt say it was wolfy i just said it was stupid
why did u assume it was a read on his alignment and not a read on the action itself

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I just want Litten dayvigged.

This game is already bastard I donā€™t need a player to add more chaos to it. It makes the game more maf sided.

This feels like an attack on my play style rather than an actual read on me, nya. I have done nothing to add more chaos to this game.

mag took my other address for a Hydra that has never been used

You quite literally fake claimed mech info on marl and now the lying.

How is that not adding chaos.

You havenā€™t been towny at all this game so no its not playstyle

The mech this game is terrifying. Someone should add me into a neighbourhood withā€¦ maybe Jarek if they can?

You know weā€™ll use it eventually.

one day

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i am the neighborhood god
neighborhood god says no

I did not fake claim anything. I said I had mechanical information to suggest that he was a wolf, when in fact from my perspective, I felt like I did. The fact that you canā€™t read between the lines is your problem, not mine. This does feel like an attack on my play style when you have stated multiple times that you want me killed, first for saying ā€œhave you met littenā€ then suggesting that I am just adding chaos to the game. Iā€™m just trying to play the game. Nya.

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why jarek
hazard still feels iffy to me
im so tired

There is an extremely game-changing announcement I need to share with someone and I guess Jarek works fine in particular for certain minor reasons.

why do you want jarek specifically, then
because i doubt both of you will live to the point thats possible

I will donate you one

If itā€™s game-changing, why not say it in public, and if itā€™s better kept private, why bring it up at all?

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Jarekā€™s my good twin.
(He might know what this means. If not having a neighbourhood with him doesnā€™t matter.)

We can make it a hydra :p

Litten Sabi is T v T now kiss and make up

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Because I want a neighbourhood with a certain subclass of players in this game for reasons that should be made apparent later, and otherwise certain circumstances could result in a game-losing mistake being made.