Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Holy fuck.

Okay I’m awful at explaining my thoughts so bare with me while I try. Give me the benefit of the doubt a little too and talk to me if things feel off. My brain doesn’t work right.

Vulgard feels like they are trying to solve me genuinely but I’m not sure I dig the way they are going about attacking me its like stereotypical stuff I get pushed for by people without much experience with me when I’m town and they are wolf. They did kinda reeval off Magnus talking about me and that felt towny so I’m leaning that way but people who say I’m posting a lot and doing nothing when I’m in fact providing thoughts and reads within my fluff are often times wolfs. Its a juxtaposition between me liking their attempts to solve me and reevaluating me and the steereotypical wolfy way of pushing me that I’m struggling with.

Marl is town. This started as a meme but they have this towny indignation which I’ve learned to look for from my idol Mac. I also just think the way they have been pushed has felt weak and I think it was a joke early but I have no doubt the early joke push has some level of wolfy traction on it. I haven’t caught up but i did check the VC and marl being the top wagon again just felt like reinforcement of that to me.

Litten is town this read has a lot to do with how they are playing around and with Sabi. There’s an attitude in T v T interactions that I struggle to articulate but Sabi and Litten had it in spades. I may not be great at explaining it but I can prove I have a history of correctly reading T v T fights

If there’s a wolf in Litten Creature Artemis I believe it’s Creature. I town read all of them individually though but I also town read Magnus claim which is difficult.

Artemis’ push on me and than trying to get me to comment on it and take notice of it when i was talking about being lost in the sauce and confused felt like an attempt to give me an anchor point not only to help me get comfy in thread but also because they wanted to gauge my reaction for their own read that felt fucking hella towny to me.

A lot of towny replies from his live posts that I liked think towny for him

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Quoting this to note I saw it but think I answered it already.

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i dont think wind will explain this so
frost, who feels flat and uninteresting, with no real spark, was the topwagon and was underminded because of the wagon
plus “going against the flow” usually seems towny

Zenons wall made me remember creature had a good start slow continue

Assuming he feels as towny as he did at SoD likely just town

Makes me think hard on the magus claim but think we are fine to let that sit at least till tomorrow

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can you answer ruby’s question please

this vote didn’t really say anything

what does this have to do with me?
and what question did I miss from Ruby?

you voted marl and didn’t give an explaination

this question

This is towny lol

Idk i was just pulling names off his wagon and decided to see what you had to say first

I explained why I voted them in the moment, because Im under the impression that Litten is town and wolf!Marl played it in a way to forcibly get Litten to talk about their “Nya”, in which they called “litten has nervous Nya’ing”, which wasn’t the case just by reading their posts. Which to be fair Litten did miss a few Nya’s I think at least two early on. They then in my opinion didnt really change their read when they should have if they went through Litten’s iso, which fills like scummy double downing

but as Ruby reminded me, they had a very good string of which makes me think they could be town, of which I also stated, but I forgot in the moment


Please vote to heal @L.una in your class cards.

“nya, nya, nya”
its definitely not a good look because of what it entailed

thats fine
I dont particularly play focusing on how I look, not that I dont try to be townie, I just dont think that’s an important use of my time

Is there an ongoing heal vote?

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Please do not fake-post announcements that encourage spamming the hosts with notifications.


wow thats cringe honestly

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