Final Day 4 Votecount
L.una (7): Litten, Italy, guavagudetama, Vulgard, Zenon, Sadbi, Jaiden
Scorbunny (1): Silviu200530
Not Voting (4): Scorbunny, beancat, L.una, Cassandra
3 minutes for corrections.
Given currently locked actions, night has ended early.
Scorbunny has died.
They were Leto Almyra, Empire Negotiator.
Leto Almyra
Empire Negotiator
The cool and collected Leader of the Eagles, training to be a negotiator and a diplomat. She cares about the wellbeing of the students of her house and acts as a counselor for them. She sensed that something troubled Athena and offered to help her: despite her warmth, Athena spurned her efforts.
Ability: Viva La Revolución
Leto can feel the emotions of people who she can hear speaking. Using this ability, she is a formidable diplomat and leader.
Female — March 5 — 18 — INSANE
Break Off The Chains — Night
Choose a player.
You learn their rolecard header.
If they are aligned with the Empire, you will get false information.
I Can Hear Your Heart — Passive
Players you target will be added to a neighbourhood with you.
Others in this neighbourhood cannot have their sanity lowered.
The game is over.
Silviu has failed to meet their win condition and loses.
They were Etienne du Malavois, Empire Crown Prince.
Etienne du Malavois
Empire Crown Prince
The reserved Leader of the Wolves, the Crown Prince of the Flumes, and studying to know everything about history, economics, and political science. They spend most of the time encased in their study, and when they do go out, their eyes are always baggy. Though they rarely speak unsolicited, they are ready to provide advice on any of their House members’ problems, if they can catch them outside.
Ability: Picture of Dorian Gray
Etienne can slow down or speed up time by up to a factor of about fivefold for people that they touch with their hand. Whether it slows up or speeds down depends on which hand they use to activate it. They can use it on themselves.
Nonbinary — August 11 — 17 — FRAGILE
Imperial Council — Passive
You start in a neighbourhood with Antoine d’Eglesie.
Signed Decree — Day
Choose a player.
If they end the day voting the same player as you are after you, they will be added to your Imperial Council.
Guard Shift Intervention — Day
Choose a player.
Everyone will be warned not to visit them.
That night, you learn who visited them.
Guava has failed to meet his win condition and loses.
He was Feste Pantaleon, Empire Secretary.
Feste Pantaleon
Empire Secretary
Always running around with a stack of papers. Athena rarely sees him around except in transit, and when she does, he’s always asleep on a couch. He’s the Secretary for the Student Council and sits in on many of their meetings: on top of that, he organizes almost all large-scale school events.
Ability: Thus Spoke Zarathursta
Feste can create small objects from accurate detailed sketches and blueprints that he draws. This taps into his body’s physical resources to do so, and thus he can only create a small amount of mass per day. He can work for months at a time to create larger objects in this way, but he often doesn’t see a reason to.
Male — April 24 — 16 — FRAGILE
Fruits of Hard Labor — Passive
Your inventory has the following items.
Each of them may only be used once before being destroyed.
Pocket Journal (Night) — Write a message. If you die, this message will be posted publicly.
Stun Gun (Night) — Choose a player. They are roleblocked and can’t die tonight.
Silver Chain (Night) — Choose a player. They die tonight if and only if you die.
Soul Print (Night) — Choose a player. If you die in the night, you may choose to have either their full rolecard publicly posted or a false role of your design publicly posted. Your flip will not be revealed until they die.
Crystal Ball (Night) — Learn which team the hosts think is winning.
Event Organiser — Passive
You know that, each day while alive, Ivy Pantaleon will host an event.
You see all submissions to this event, with their name attached.
In the first 24 hours of each day, you may select a submission and block it, preventing it from being able to win.
Event Fundraiser — Day, Compulsive
If you have at least one item in your inventory, select one.
This will be the first place prize for the event today and leave your inventory.
Goods Under the Table — Night, 1-Use
Use an item from your inventory.
Beancat has failed to meet her win condition and loses.
She was Athena di Angelari, Empire Marksman.
Athena di Angelari
Empire Marksman
Athena is an amateur gunsmith and a first-year Eagle, transferring from another school in the Crown States after her family caved to mounting internatioinal pressure to send her here for her power. She declined to go for a year because of her older sister’s disappearence four years prior. She tried her hardest to get on her feet at the new school with Pallas’ ghost at every corner…
Ability: The Sound and the Fury
Bullets fired by Athena from a gun become a purely psychic cutting power. These can sever memories from someone’s body, the severity corresponding to the damage the bullet would cause were it physical. These severed memories usually dissolve in the air like wisps, but if they are substantial or have significant emotional or personality aspects, they can coalesce into a spectral or even a physical form.
Female — April 19 — 15 — INSANE
Can’t Open My Eyes — Night
Choose a living player and guess one of their abilities.
They will be informed that they were shot at.
If you are correct, that ability will be silently disabled.
Abilities you disable in this way will be redacted from their flips.
If you lose this ability, you die.
Drowning with Stars — Passive
If you die at night, you may be subject to a post restriction.
Sadbi has failed to meet their win condition and loses.
They were Ivy Pantaleon, Empire Contest Host.
Ivy Pantaleon
Empire Contest Host
Very daydreamy and idealism-oriented, a stark contrast to their younger brother. They spend their time walking or napping around the campus (not unlike his brother), or in their studio room painting. They took interest in Athena initially, but she brushed them off.
Ability: Through the Looking Glass
Ivy can expend power to create an aura around them that causes the world to reshape itself around the thoughts and desires of the people within the aura. When the aura leaves, things go back mostly to how they were before. Their usual limit is a few hours a day only within approximately a room’s size, but with special aids they can cover larger areas or longer spans of time.
Nonbinary — March 24 — 17 — SANE
Anyone Can Express Themselves — Passive
Each day, a Creative Contest will be hosted.
Once submissions close, you will be able to see all submitted pieces.
You will not see who submitted.
You cannot enter this event.
Pick a Card — Night, Night 0, Compulsive
Write a prompt.
This prompt will be included in tomorrow’s contest.
Tonic of the Soul — Day, Compulsive
Choose a submitted piece to award 1st Place.
Choose a submitted piece to award 2nd Place.
They will be posted publicly with their ranking.
The players who submitted these pieces get prizes. You do not know what they are.
Cassandra has failed to meet her win condition and loses.
She was Cassandra, Empire Channeling Vessel.
Cassandra (NPC)
Empire Channeling Vessel
Ability: ???
Female — ??? — ??? — FRAGILE
Prison of a Beating Heart — Passive
You may only post in conversations and the main thread with votes and emojis from this site.
The Last Treasure — Passive
You have access to all abilities that Athena has disabled.
The Cult of Sarasvati has completed their win condition, ending the game.
Italy has won. They were
Ancient Spirit Seraph
Mars Ultor, the god of war, signifies action, vengance, and victory. Their combat methods are the closest to resembling traditional swordfighting, and are strongest at close to medium range: fighting them is not as tricky as the others when primed with experience fighting humans. That is not to say, however, that they are not to be feared: their skill is without rival. Do not confront without an ace up your sleeve.
—-Sarasvati’s Journal on the Worldly Spirits
Ability: Savior of the Broken
Alexandra has a large spectral Arcanine living inside of them that grows restless when they sense somebody who has killed or significantly contributed to the death of another: otherwise, the Arcanine lies dormant, unable to be woken. This manifests as the strong scent of blood to them. They greatly increase Alexandra’s strength and agility, and if they awaken fully, they can be seen spectrally guiding their strikes.
Nonbinary — June 12 — 18 — INSANE
Wings of Vengance — Night
Choose a player.
If they have attempted or are attempting to kill another, they die.
If they die tonight, only you learn their role.
All For the Greater Good — Factional, Night
This ability may be carried out by any living player in your faction.
Choose a player.
You are INSANE until dusk.
They die.
When the player who holds a factional ability dies, the remainder of their faction inherits their ability.
Jaiden has won. She was
Ancient Spirit Archivist
Vesta, the goddess of the hearth, represents comfort and home. She can output a much greater power than average from long-range, but is exceptionally weak to most kinds of damage. Her ghost powers manipulate the heart and are often very effective against humans. Best to make efforts to remove her first if fighting her in a group, or she could deal a lethal battering.
—-Sarasvati’s Guide on the Worldly Spirits
Ability: Atonement
Meredith’s writing can warp the fabric of reality. When another person reads something that she has handwritten and deeply wishes for it to be true with all their soul, they can make small figments of it become true.
Female — June 6 — 17 — FRAGILE
Drek’ar — Night, 1-Use
Choose a player. They die.
She was originally:
Ancient Spirit Archivist
Vesta, the goddess of the hearth, represents comfort and home. She can output a much greater power than average from long-range, but is exceptionally weak to most kinds of damage. Her ghost powers manipulate the heart and are often very effective against humans. Best to make efforts to remove her first if fighting her in a group, or she could deal a lethal battering.
—-Sarasvati’s Guide on the Worldly Spirits
Ability: Atonement
Meredith’s writing can warp the fabric of reality. When another person reads something that she has handwritten and deeply wishes for it to be true with all their soul, they can make small figments of it become true.
Female — June 6 — 17 — FRAGILE
Atonement — Night
Choose a player.
They gain the following ability.
Child of Literature — Day, 1-Use
Choose a role from any mafia game on this site.
You will lose all your personal abilities.
This ability will be replaced by the abilities of that role, subject to the limitations below.
Grand Idea Mafia games are not considered valid for the purposes of this ability.This ability must fall into one of the following archetypes.
Investigative, as powerful as a Rolecop. Players you investigate will become immune to anticlaim.
Protective, as powerful as a Doctor.
Manipulative, as powerful as a Roleblocker.
Killing, as powerful as a 1-Shot Vigilante.
Miscellanea, of a power level similar to the above. Host discretion will be applied.
It will be publicly announced that a portal to that game has been opened.
Each archetype can only be created once per game. If an archetype is created, it disappears from the list in all present and future copies of this ability.
If two or more players try to create the same archetype at the same time, a random one succeeds and all others fail, refunding their use.
Litten has won. He was
Ancient Spirit Blackmailer
Apollo, the god of Music, represents creativity, light, and healing. His powers are flexible, usable as both offense and defense, and is best at range, as his archer namesake suggests. His powers are firmly based in the shadow energy, and can be planned against accordingly: wax earplugs are a godsend.
Ability: Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Phoebus can expend his own life force to close wounds and heal internal physical damage in the bodies of people who are about to die. Doing so will keep them from dying and allow them to recover from their injuries over the next few months, but strains his consciousness intensely for the next few days.
Male — December 23 — 16 — SANE
Golden Tongue — Night
Choose a player.
You may set their sanity.
Running Interference — Day or Night
Once per cycle, choose one of the following.
Write a message to be publicly announced.
Write a message for a player of your choice to receive as if it were feedback.
Zenon has won. She was
Ancient Spirit Ghost Pirate
Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, represents the winter and rebirth. She plays a support role most of the time, but is still somewhat dangerous when cornered. Handle first, if at all possible: her powers make her allies all the more powerful. Easiest to deal with if you can isolate her somehow.
—-Sarasvati’s Journal on the Worldly Spirits
Ability: Three Musketeers
Persephone can channel the spirits of the dead that she is close to, as long as they agree. This allows her to communicate to the spirits as if they still walked the earth, and she can channel little bits of their powers sometimes. She is the only one that can see or hear them.
Female — October 16 — 16 — SANE
Charon — Hisuian Typhlosion (F)
Shoot 'em Up — Night, 1-Use
Choose a dead player.
If they consent, you will be added to a neighbourhood with them.
You learn their role.
They will be able to use their ability as long as you are alive.
If they do not consent, your ability will be refunded.
Spirit’s Plunder — Passive
You know all abilities belonging to dead Ancient Spirits that were hidden upon their flip, so long as they were hidden by a different player’s ability.
You have access to these abilities.
You may use any number of these abilities simultaneously.
Vulgard has won. They were
Ancient Spirit Puppetmaster
Selene, the goddess of the moon, signifies change, variability, and deception. Her powers are great in comparison to the other Spirits, as she can, at her utmost limits, [[REDACTED]]. However, with a clear mind, her formidable psychic powers can be entirely nullified.
—Sarasvati’s Guide on the Worldly Spirits
Ability: Rappacini’s Daughter
Adrian can use illusions to change her physical appearance or make small objects appear or disappear while in contact with her body. Doing this consistently takes large amounts of focus, as well as not making the illusions appear or disappear erratically. These illusions can affect all of the senses.
Female — September 13 — 16 — FRAGILE
One With the Spirits — Passive
You have access to the account Luna, even when dead.
You may share this access with other Covenant members.
You may post and vote on this account.
Once the game reaches XyLo, this account’s vote will be disabled.
The Pariah’s Circle — Night, SANE
Choose a living player.
If target player is INSANE, they become SANE and your Mooncurse.
You will be able to speak to them outside of the thread.
Once this is successful, you lose this ability.
I’ll Always Be Alone — Passive, SANE
Once per game, at night, the Mooncurse created by the Pariah’s Circle may choose a player.
When they do this, you may choose either of the following:
They learn target player’s rolecard.
They learn a rolecard of your design.
If the Mooncurse created by the Pariah’s Circle dies, you become INSANE.
Tied Up By The Strings of Fate — Factional, Day and Night
Choose a player and give a description of their role.
If the description is mostly correct, the described player will become a Stars’ Puppet.
[Luna will be added to their rolecard.]
Witch’s Illusion — Factional, Passive
To every Stars’ Puppet, you may apply or remove any of the following effects at any time:
[ They are roleblocked. ]
[ Their feedback is replaced by feedback of your choice.]
When the player who holds a factional ability dies, the remainder of their faction inherits their ability. Bracketed sections will be redacted on flip.
With their victory, Atlas has met their win-condition. They were
Gabriel Moretti
Empire Sacrificial Lamb
Gabriel Moretti
Empire Sacrificial Lamb
An almost totally silent girl who communicates primarily through sign language. She has a knack for disappearing and appearing suddenly, but she often clings to Violetta when they’re together. Athena talked to Vi and she said that Gabriel’s a really sweet and caring girl, and that she’s just a little shy: Athena thinks that’s an understatement. Almost everyone else in the school has never been able to get a word out of her.
Ability: Witch of Miracles
Gabriel can, by snapping her fingers, travel back in time. Only she and anyone she is in physical contact with retains memories from the previous timeline. She and any other people return to the state their body was in during that time. The amount she goes back increases exponentially with the amount of time she can focus. If her focus is broken, the attempt to go back in time fails.
Female — November 1 — 16 — INSANE
Fate Smeared by Tricks and Gadgets — Passive
Your inventory starts with the following six items.
3x Actor’s Script (Day) — Choose a player. You learn their full role.
Charm of Madness (Night) — Choose a player. All their abilities will be removed.
Charm of Invisibility (Night) — Choose a player. All manipulative and investigative actions on them fail tonight.
Charm of Fear [Uncharged] (Night) — Choose a player. If they die during the day, this charm becomes charged. They know this.
Charm of Fear [Charged] (Night) — Choose a player. They die.
Full Moon’s Curse — Passive
You appear… differently to investigations, even if dead.
You cannot be added to a neighbourhood with a Covenant member.
Snow Warning — Passive
You start with three lives.
If you are attacked, you instead lose a life. If you are executed, you instead lose two lives.
If an Ancient Spirit takes your first life (leaving two remaining), they will be informed that your shield has been broken.
If you have one life remaining, you are dead but you retain your abilities and you can still talk in thread. You do not have access to dead chat.
If you have no lives remaining, you die.
Claws of Duty — Night
Choose a player.
If you lose a life by an Ancient Spirit tonight, they die.
Witch’s Envelope — Night
Choose another player and two items from your inventory.
If you lose a life by an Ancient Spirit tonight, they receive those items.
Illusions to Illusions — Passive
When you die, you flip the Empire rolecard below.
Dance of the Butterflies — Passive
You know all members of the Cult of Sarasvati, the informed minority. They are as follows:
Artemis was:
Artemis Caroligni
Empire Huntress
Known as the school’s sharpshooter, Artemis is also valued for her level-headedness. She is useful to have on planning committees, although she has a tendency to overdesign, as well as being difficult to get ahold of in the first place: her input is often sought, but most people are too scared to ask her for it if she doesn’t express interest. Athena sees her walking in the forest brooding a lot, but never tried to approach her.
Ability: Death Shall have No Dominion
Artemis can control flecks of her blood with her mind: they turn golden when controlled in this way. She can hurl them with high force, allowing her to either use it as a melee weapon or to redirect projectiles coated in her blood to curve arbitrarily.
Female — December 23 — 16 — INSANE
Ghost of a Girl — Passive, INSANE
You know all cursemarked players.
These are players that the dead bear malice.
This ability yields information regardless of the user’s Sanity.
Bolt of Golden Envy — Day 2+, Immediate, 2-Shot
If you are currently the first voter on a player, they die.
Had they not been cleaned, Atlas would have flipped as:
Gabriel Moretti
An almost totally silent girl who communicates primarily through sign language. She has a knack for disappearing and appearing suddenly, but she often clings to Violetta when they’re together. Athena talked to Vi and she said that Gabriel’s a really sweet and caring girl, and that she’s just a little shy: Athena thinks that’s an understatement. Almost everyone else in the school has never been able to get a word out of her.
Ability: Witch of Miracles
Gabriel can, by snapping her fingers, travel back in time. Only she and anyone she is in physical contact with retains memories from the previous timeline. She and any other people return to the state their body was in during that time. The amount she goes back increases exponentially with the amount of time she can focus. If her focus is broken, the attempt to go back in time fails.
Female — November 1 — 16 — INSANE
Snow Warning — Passive
If [REDACTED], you are dead but you can still talk in thread.
cult of saravasti goated
gg I was litten
Atlas winning too is also hype
i legitimately could not comprehend this game
l.una carried
nomination pending
What was atlas win con
have the cult of sarasvasti win
Oh thank god
literally was just a lost wolf that y’all kept trying to kill
I felt so bad for atlas