Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

OK so only confirmed town submitted to me 4/5 times

VOTE: Kiiruma normally i would at least give some benefit of the doubt but at this point i’ll trust a treestump over them any day of the week

i dont really draw, else i would do it

atlas acfually strategically killed themself to make them seem like an ic

May I get an explanation why you all killed Wisdom because that was the most insane push I’ve seen

I wasn’t able to come back for EoD but I thought you’d just kill Cassandra


The whole reasoning for Wisdom was “resolve Wisdom”
Resolve WHAT exactly

i was trying to not waste time ending the day on a bot and didn’t wake up in time for eod
though it seems not much would have changed even if i did

So they’re real? When I looked at what I received I honestly thought wolves gave it to me

yes, they are real

i can name them it you want
one is “Actor’s Script”.

How is it wasting a day if we know it’s not Empire or regular Ancient Spirit based on what L.una has claimed

You have some absolutely insane PR this game holy shit

it’s a bot tied to kiiruma
you literally never kill cassandra first

I’m not talking about this any further but yeah

Atlas hogged the good role and left me with token simulator

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i got extremely lucky, yes
and im the villages main powerhouse, beside the now late Ms. Artemis

im not going to shit on wisdom, but im not sure how they can keep botching their claims over and over, in the wolfiest way possible

I’ll be back shortly it’s hot as fuck but then I’ll do acfually productive stuff
Kiiruma heing outted is helpful because it kinda explains why everything was funky world view wise

if everything goes well I can finally self-resolve

But I might as well fullclaim at this point

My ability needed me to be Sane in order to be used, which is why I immediately requested a sanity change

I could target an Insane player and turn them Sane in the process

If it didn’t work, I could do so again, repeating until I found a viable target

Once I found a viable target, that target would receive a rolecop to be used the next night, and from what I gathered, it should peek role as well as alignment

My target was N1 nobody (because I couldn’t use it), N2 Atlas

Seems like Atlas N3 targeted Litten and he peeked as Empire with the role he claimed

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