Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant


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please try to get back to me
it doesnā€™t have to be today or anything because thereā€™s no real pressure on you, but when there is i need things to do stuff with you

i dont really
care enough to do that atp

I feel like I am looking at a mirror

Scor you do NOT want to be on silviuā€™s bad side

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then whats the rest of us who do care supposed to do with the slot

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dont know who that is
dont particularly care
if i die, i die

stop caring, i would assume

kill you, both wasting our time and lessing our chances of winning


youā€™re effecting more then yourself in apathy, especially in team games
i canā€™t say for certain youā€™re good, but regardless we are pretty much just going to win
just in the future please try more

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Wait atlas I just realized
You are a piƱata

am i
i have zero clue what the pfp is

no I meant ur ability

Iā€™ll go read Kiiruma posts now

i donā€™t think referring to a sixteen year old girl who spews out various objects upon being stabbed as a piƱata is the best use of the term

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Kiiruma literally town read both the bots Iā€™m dying

kiiruma shares a wincon with one of them
did you forget luna is confirmed his partner

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This was early on in the game like their first couple of posts