Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

i think this game would be harder for us if many of the villagers didn’t choose to do nothing and even actively sabotage themselves with their own mech

we know guava considered vanillarizing themselves and we also know millium chose to get suibomber instead of the strictly superior dayvig

i think the game was particularly solvable around day 2 because most of the confusing mech hasn’t happened yet

this isn’t really to berate people but more of a reflection on the game as a whole

i also don’t really understand why the village had 0 wim but i wasn’t village so i don’t have that perspective

we did kill all the people with wim but you know

you would be a better player if you were american

Dead/Spec and Scum chats

skill issue :polidab:

Arctic wanted to sub in and dunk on the wolves meanwhile im jealous of the scumteam rand and wish i got to be part of it


Team looks so fun

also, scumchat litten is like a mad scientist

fluctuates between absolute panic and absolute genius

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Litten asking the same questions to the hosts 5 times just in case the answer suddenly changed

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perfect example

i have no idea what happened but nya

i completely ignored all mech in this game and wolfread every wolf except the one who’s posts i didn’t read

if i was in the game i probably wouldn’t have done this because i would need to be playing seriously

but it’s funny that this happened

i love having useless roles
part 2873478347853

i needed to do it for marl
he was treated like a madman but he was right

yeah i think this is fair enough

i had a tmi perspective but i also thought it was reasonable to find ~most of us if you looked at the game from a disconnected perspective

so it makes sense you would have banger reads as someone not in the game

It’s all fine!
I loved my card, you made things fun.
If people had come out that you’d joined their card, we’d have been able to catch you were anticlaim sooner.
But yeah some people tried to solve for some mech stuff, some people didn’t try and got annoyed at it.
Either way, cool flavour, small things which can be tinkered with a bit / we know for next time.


They didn’t let me become fam3 frostwolf :(

my favorite mad idea never got finished but was funny enough the hosts quoted it in scum chat

i think it’s funny that several non-players came in here like “wolves were obvious” when we swept

i get why they would think we’re obvious but the result is so disconnected from the claim it’s funny