Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as victim and villain by the vistutes of fate

yeah the idea was that its obriously me
then bean has to take the acc over and convince you guys shes. not trolling lmao

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im pretty fine with how the setup turned out, but i still think some things couldve been polished
some interactions were less then optimal and there was way too much kp with no town protection

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What bean would have taken over?

chiseling the setup down and only including one of kii/magnus’ chaos and the npc’s interactions being limited to one with lesser posts wouldve distracted town less

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No, it was unrelated. Funny though.

Luna trying to flirt with Cassandra was really funny

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ill cover the KP problem in depth on pc
it was caused by an unintended interaction between you and it aly’s roles

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also just rendering l.una

when voting her doesn’t help town and they think it might, since she’s entering people’s Rolecards and causing general chaos mightve been for the better


Was Kiiruma’s information given out by wolves?

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luna was a scape goat ngl

literally all of it


I was the one who told Kiiruma to not trust yoy

that’s kind of why i kept saying voting luna was a bad idea it generally is
but then we obtained the power to endgame instantly by shooting luna and all bets were off

we even overwrote any information they would normally get

Did you think my information was real?

Yeah until our anti claim fell

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ill cover all the suggestions in a PC debrief post
this game, because it was bastard, required a much higher level of rigor and proofreading than most
we hit above the normal game bar, but it still wasnt hig enough to have a super clean bastard experience

I blatantly didn’t put enough effort into the review for this game
It deserved better and still turned out great in spite of that