Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Cult of Sarasvati (and Atlas) is Triumphant

Okay yeah that is also an outed wolf then
Which makes sense because Kiiruma is outed

all that matters at this point is that they are certainly an enemy

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i can resolve myself and someone else right now, i got my new ability
you should be able to figure out what im claiming

for what its worth, i was able to ask for any ability, thats what the paradox allowed

Entering multiple peopleā€™s role PMs is never a town ability

resolve Kiiruma

in hindsight i probably shouldā€™ve just asked for a vig shot, but uhhm im not necessarily going to help this game, and I dont particularly want to become a mislynch down the line

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by resolve you mean kill, and that isnt exactly implied

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why didnā€™t you just ask for a vig


Hard no, we need to execute Kiiruma and see if Cassandra/L.una die with him

If they donā€™t die, the safest shot is L.una

We could also go here but I want to take people out of this list

Let me read Kiiruma for spew

do that and let me know what u think at some point

i kinda doubt its scor, but im not sure i know what im looking for to find bunā€™s wolf game

I would assume Kiirumaā€™s flip at the very least provides information about L.una so depending on whatā€™s written there maybe donā€™t target L.una but

weā€™ll only see after the flip

oh, according to min, they were a main subject next to litten, from deadchat

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No kidding

Atlas what can your role NOT do

i canā€™t roleblock people

daring today arenā€™t we

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i mean me resolving tmr requires me to not die tonight, and we killed one a protective role yesterday lol

I thought you said you resolved tonight

I asked for a day suicide bomber, i was just waiting for them to give me a role, based off that, I did not think they would give it to me instantly