Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - The Welcome Feast Looms…

im planning a sequel!
who knows when itll run! maybe in half a year! maybe in a year!
but i plan to make more games like this!



thats not to say i want to be discount/replacement astand
astand is definitely someone i look up to in terms of game hosting and designing and

i want to be able to make some of the same sort of cool experiences that he brought to this community now that he’s not making games anymore


oh right i actually wanted to say something about the original

i have a large pit of excuses
lemme pull one out

it says “i’m depressed and bored”
well thats a great one

(i know im just gonna keep saying this but i cannot stand not joining something that has months worth of effort in it, also im bored and i don’t want to leave because that’s scary)
(maybe this will be the last one, maybe it won’t)
(i am so sorry)
(also sorry if you felt like you were being mislead, but im bored and i actually had fun last time)
(this isn’t even the stupidest or rudest thing I’ve done today if it makes you feel any better)

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i want you to take care of yourself first and foremost
if you think youll have fun joining then i support you
if you think you wont have fun then i support you in that too


i wonder what drags people back anyway
it’s happened with literally every single person i’ve seen that actively wrote a message about “i’m done.” or something


you may notice that i havent really joined anything in a while
im not gone! i just gradually weaned myself off bc i gradually picked up new hobbies

whenever someone just up and out says “i’m done” i think that more often then not its reactionary to sinking way too much time into mafia and
they havent developed any other hobbies to fill the time so they keep coming back

im still in touch with the community! i havent left! im still totally open to join mafia games if anyone runs something that looks really really cool
i just lots of the time look at mafia games and think “i have other things i could be doing” if it looks not the best in either setup or playerlist


What if katze joins

that would probably be harder than getting chloe to join in the first place
i think kat retired for good


Italy ima need you to carry me this game cause it seems spooky

They arent

considering how last game went i don’t think you want me in charge



Play. You owe me for my murder

i’m too old to multitable and fire emblem starts next week

I’m older than you smh

oh is that a cool game? do you think its worth speccing?

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It’s 5/2 day phase so it’s slow

are you

Reminder to be respectful of other people. If someone says they don’t want to play, they don’t have to, nor should they feel pressured to.