may please compare this event to something that happened in the catholic church @May
Once there was a pope in the Catholic Church much like how I am the king of this thread
does that make me your jester
Illegal cookie thread
just like everything illegal this must be fun
take that moderation!!
we are so badass
15th poster getd a cookie
16th poster gets a cookie
we are not doing a counting thread
The book binder almost makes it look like an analogue horror. But that’s just my imagination
i want to see the world through your eyes
Try to imagine briefly that the pale blue looks like a lonely scenary and that briefly it’s full of faint switching lines that’s like the movies from the silent movie era of hollywood.
insert itysl reference here
you come into MY bakery and try to sell cookies? how dare you
(real cookie thread 2 is here: 31415th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread cookie thread) (Part 2) )