Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

you guys are FAKE FANS
bye bye cookie thread


thank you

Towny mindmeld

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I’m ambiguously sick and I’m telling people about it? I’ll be dead before the dawn, obviously.



i suppose it makes sense i got hit by a bat they hunt mice

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I have realised most of my stock advice for illness is “don’t malnourish yourself” which I think most people have less issue with than me

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i freaked out so hard I cant lie. I was like “bats have rabies. I will die”

Oh yeah, I also slept in this morning and I never do that.

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This post reminds me to bully you to not malnourish yourself


ALSO; go to BED

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Sickly Victorian orphan arc. Happens to the best of us

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appealing to my love of sickly victorian orphans wont help you escape my grasp today

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I don’t wanna go to bed though.

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Should I take the bad dress to college so I can complain about it there too

I need these things in my life for enrichment

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may youre like a plant. you need to be fed nitrogen and phosphorus for your health. Im gonna go to bed goodnight


No you should not. Unless you actually like it.

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I like complaining about it

I thought I’d like it when I bought it. But it doesn’t fit. Maybe someday I’ll learn to sew better?