Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I quit around town hall eight, I think.


Like it’s not rating me on a 5-star scale it’s saying how many stars I would be as a gacha character. It’s my rarity

my father used to be absurdly into that game

I played Clash of Clans briefly when I was, like, 8


he quit after he developed a new micro-transactions filled time wasting addiction game

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oh wait i just remembered i have a father

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hey magnusss
im bored
how do you get motivation to do things

i think im like townhall 9 in CoC but im super rushed so i have a terrible base

wish I spent more time playing it when Iw as younger bc id be really good at it by now

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whos idea was it to have the games acronyms be coc


I’m really bored, aren’t I
I’m going to go find something to do

What makes you think I’m motivated?

idk btu its funny

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“Five stars, but not one of those five stars that’s like super meta. They’re five stars because they’re super, like, niche and not beginner-friendly” - friend I asked on voice chat


Her hips on her hips

There’s a Mahjong Soul character who is literally just me

Her birthday is one day before mine, her bio reads as follows:

A NEET that happens to be living in the great era of virtual reality. After she made her first fortune, she successfully got rid of the constant nagging from her family. She is now a well-known streamer for an anonymous website. She is also an extremely skillful gamer that has a silver tongue, which has shaped her into a person who never loses, be it in trash-talking or actually playing the game. To make her stream more interesting, she would fake her defeat and make a spectacular comeback to amaze her fans.

And her hobby is listed as “roast others, gaming”.

This is literally me. This is literally what I am doing right now. Lights off, 2 monitors, feet up on the chair, mic. game controller, and drink on the desk. Post-haircut her hair is like the same length as mine. This is me


discourse is such a painn


Requested a red shirt with yellow Chiefs logo and received a red shirt with gold Chiefs logo. Seller is nice and is supposed to be sending the right shirt soon so hopefully it’s corrected.

My friend is trying to get me to post a zip bomb

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