Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

And the money is currently in my pocket

Looking forward for this halloween’s special Five Nights at Freddy’s movie.

house me like one of your leaves

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Do I bring the single Precious Moments :tm: figurine

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I picked this one out from my grandmother’s collection because it was the one that I found closest to making any kind of meaningful artistic statement


“Voting is good” isn’t exactly novel but that’s what she says. And that is something

May every time you bring anything into the thread I will say to bring it your bags will be FILLED

Bringing every single school ceramics project

My penguin broke in the kiln and I’m still mad about it

He can’t even stand up

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History’s most tragic figure


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The elephant ended up weird cause my flowers got squished also

Wilder than Los Angélés

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The guy
 the professor liked it & gave me an A in the class despite the fact that I didn’t show up to the final and also didn’t sign in during attendance ever (though I went to the classes)

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External skeletons are all the rage lately

Hotter than Miami

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May salami?

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Hey by the way Story what does this mean

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