Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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hi min!!

we up bored

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we :top: bored

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someone come here insane and go on a very interesting rant

omega strikers

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Whenever our brains learn new skills, especially complex ones, it’s through shaping (step-by-step/successive reinforcement). With repetition and practice, we can recall this action with less and less needs for reinforcement/reward/conscious effort.

A related theory is the concept of long-term memory having sections of explicit (conscious, intentional recollection) and implicit (unconscious, procedural, muscle) memory. Procedural memory lets us perform some actions (such as writing or riding a bike) even if we are not consciously thinking about it. In one experiment two groups of people, one composed of amnesic patients with heavily impaired long-term memory, and the other composed by healthy subjects, were asked several times to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle (a complex problem-solving game that requires thirty-one steps to complete). The first group showed the same improvements over time as the second group, even if some participants claimed that they didn’t even remember having seen the puzzle before. These findings strongly suggest that procedural memory is completely independent from declarative memory.

In situations with a high amount of pressure, such as a freethrow at a basketball game with four seconds left on the clock, we are tempted to go back to the explicit step-by-step process again, basically ending up interfering with the learned skill, and suddenly that move that you’ve done thousands of times and could probably do in your sleep becomes awkward to perform. This is one of the biggest causes of performance anxiety and why some athletes have a tendency to “choke” under pressure.


(Not mine.)


happy Winter Barley day


why does aret know the weirdest day holidays

they’re from the French Revolutionary Calendar


basically they were trying to get rid of the previous set of saint-related days, and they wanted them to be Relevant to people in rural areas (the majority of the population at that point in time), so they made a new calendar where the days were like, plants or animals or tools


very interesting, aren’t you an encyclopedia

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isn’t it like 5 am in the balkans

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no I’m a robot


5:48 am i fell asleep too early

i believe this

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Your Result:

you escaped from my wizard maze

you have somehow made it out of the maze alive. as you stumble beyond its hedges, your prize awaits you: a solitary wizard’s hat. go ahead, take it. whenever you want to return to the wizard maze, simply don it and your journey through the maze will begin anew <|:•)