Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

If I can do 1 set of 20 reps for 5 different exercises for the abdomen, arms and legs. Then you can do too!!!

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silviu what the hell!!

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when i see a horse i imagine mongolian throat singing in my head and i dream back of my days of riding on the steppe with my horde firing arrows at the enemy


I have 45kgs

i am weakmaxxing

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I am frail, you’re not!!!

silviu i am frail trust me

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you don’t “have” 45kgs, its more personal then it is possessive

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whats your height

You’re still not execused :x:

you “weigh” 45kgs


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The opinion of my counter doesn’t appear to change

thats 5 ft 6 in american

you know im right!

You also know that I am right about opt-in blackened roulette on danganrompa gaming

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you aren’t and it sucks!

me and may have very similar ailments actually. so ive learnt a bit from just beign around him

like what heart palpitations were lmao