Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Mon français cassé est amusant de jouer avec toi

me having to scrape every word i can remember from indonesion lessons is hard


Itu Lucu XD

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You thi



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Yare yare…

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there has been like 10 different languages in the span of 30 minutes


toki pona

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Saw what got seen hid beneath, and louder nights keep beating
I’m going to you, and giving brighter shiny tomorrows
What can “night” for you mean, infinite? You could run with me
Place your hand in mine, you gotta stay, hold up
Want to leave it behind, dark cruel days
In deep, you may have hid before
I’m embracing you until more heat dissolve what is caught up
Sun will soon rise up into a day you’re no more too afraid
Keep all of me in you

Silviu, traduis cette phrase

Lorsqu’un homme entre dans ce magasin en brandissant sa canne en or spécifiée, vous devez retourner la boîte contenant l’article cinquante-trois hors de sa vue.

There’s a man that enters in this shop in (bracelets?) with his golden cane specified??? (I hope you didn’t misspell “chien” (dog) there), you have to return the box contains the 53 hours of his saws hors.

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oreo vs tim tam

Exactement comme je l’ai écrit !

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tim tam

thankyou for coming to my ted talk

No problem

Qu’est-ce que ça fait d’être catholique ?