i forgo
i love how everyone forgot except benguin XD
Cotton Candy May, The Racoon
Cotton Candmay…
May is the first double winner
Wait there was a cookie up for grabs?
most aware cookie poster
knowing my luck that will probably the only cookie i’m ever active for
Was why I posted
God damnit I had to turn around for the first time today usually I try not to acknowledge I’m lost and go in cir- A GUY SAW ME LOOKING AT THE MAP AND GAVE ME DIRECTIONS HELL ON EARTH
He walked me all the way to that damn dorm. Patheticboy demeanor strikes again. Also said I had a British accent. Which is the second one today
what did story do to you
I dont even have a british accent
Well I think him walking me to my dorm had very little to do with my patheticboy status and was in fact a symptom of the opposite perception but what can you do. These people don’t know I’m pathetic by choice not by birth
I was told I had a bernie sanders accent
This still haunts me
me and may switched accents for a bit
We definitely did in text
i mean thats like the main principle of hydra marriage