Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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my ass waking up at 6am to learn how to write binary (i already know this)


I’ll do the ones I can do in class

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Yaaaaay :smile:

the java classes are fun. however if they try to teach me to make generator executive static voids to handle Literally Just A Struct i am going to sob


In how many hours it will be 11 PM for you

its 3 so 8

i say this but like. we learning from the start. we learnt the print function last week it was crazy

Unfortunately I might not be able to warn you of potential poor choises

A printer is crazier than expected?

i am so winning

we also briefly covered inputs.

Inputs is basically what you tell a command to do or look out for

im more worried about my ethics class than anything because we have to write essaysand i like. barely know what the hell im writing about? and next week theyre starting work on the second essay for some reason??? teacher literally said “someone already submitted their essay so we’ll talk about the second one next week” I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FIRST ONE IS YET?? damn improvised group class
and the guidance class was cancelled so i cant ask there


i dont even WANT ETHICS!!!


i just realised i was talking about the big data essay here. although the circumstances are similar for the ethics one. literally no idea what they’re looking for just some of the topics involved. dont know what about those topics

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Ah yes, learning how to make chatgtp do essays for you

(Essays that require you to cover horrendous subjects with no prior knowledge is very questionable and poor)

they talked about this specifically they hate ai so much

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im just gonna email them. they are supposed to give me things that are easier to read because i am so bad at that but i dont think they exactly understood that meant “tell me what we are doing with words” and not “make the sentences as small as possible”

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