Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Thus proving eden is the superior roguelike

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Almost at 50% winrate. Anyone wanna throw some games for me

Or carry me I guess. Less fun

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Just play town of salem 2 and scroll Jester

Wins for days


Is voting to concede fair for the marioniete though

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Night didn’t get the option to vote concede, yea. Probably would’ve felt bad. I wasn’t gonna do it regardless because I’m stubborn etc

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I should have told both my neigbors i was their dekon that would have been funny

Leafia you are my marioniette

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Apprentice Marionette real


Missing the complete fuck you value of Apprentice Vizier

But its close

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Can I say I won a game that hte majority of evils voted to concede. 50% is fine right


Didnt the majority not vote to concede in that case

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Glass half empty, glass half full.

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You didnt, night didnt

Thats 66%

Night didn’t get the option to vote to concede. She doesn’t count

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I cidangst the c ootioo o k either

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Thats what we call roleism


I only condone travelerphobia


I dxdnt get the option either

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does this mean you rank 10 on the girlboss chart