Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I think I would know who the real May is. You haven’t even claimed to have read the guidelines smh

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I am a spanish speaker my status is in spanish

go away duplicate you absolute bafoon of an impersonator!

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I don’t speak the Spanish language. I’m not from any continent on this Earth, and if I was I would wholeheartedly deny it.

Real May would’ve said ‘impostor’, because I’m fond of silly bits

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You copied that and pasted it like an absolute girlboss

what is happening why is may speaking to themselves

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This is getting out of hand.

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I put the thumb on the wrong side but we do not speak about that

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Checks out.


This one was popular with the Mays.

Keeping up with the johneses

I didn’t take my meds today
Now I’m going to die of hunger

Nice knowing you all

This is why you turn off your phone notifications at night

It’s morning and I’m at work

You’re seeing double.

It’s team rocket


Today is Mayday and we are all doomed

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Doctor: You seem to have a serious case of Mayitis


Are you sure you’re okay?