Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I waited twenty minutes for a response because I was feeling too lazy to spend five seconds looking for an answer on the internet. Woe is me

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happy Hornbeam Day

Iā€™m learning about so many new plants from this Project :joy_cat:


Have you missed a day yet?

a few yeah

usually I try to post about them the next day when I do

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What team are you on?

Magnus knows how to speak like May :sob:

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This is a good bit

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May told me you use full stops and it does sound like you.

I (the real May) sometimes use punctuation marks at the end of my sentences, although usually not at the end of my posts. Then again, sometimes I do. Iā€™m sillie that way

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You know Iā€™m the real deal because I have an obvious impostor voice

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Youā€™re not May, stop lying!!

I was lying yesterday BTW I stole my own passport. Thatā€™s the reason why there were two Mays yesterday, and NOT that there was a disturbance in the force.
I havenā€™t seen the Star Wars trilogies either, thatā€™s just a cool reference I thought of right then

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Of course Iā€™m May, you said it yourself

Thatā€™s referring to Magnus. You absolute bandit

This clown thinks Iā€™m you or something

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You literally tagged yourself!!!

Moderators!! This clown is making fun of me!! BAN him immediately

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That only works with May.


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I read the guidelines and they say May can do whatever he wants

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