Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

it’s time for a cookie tier list

Someone who’s a darker very saturated pink changed their server avatar to a LIGHT BLUE recently and it’s HORRID I literally can’t even register the fact that it’s them talking

grandma’s cookies S tier

Send me the link and we can compare

Here’s one

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i used this one

Cookie tier listing is hard because they’re not like mass produced snack foods any one instance of a cookie can be wildly different

that’s where you’re wrong they literally are :joy_cat:

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they are the best non-homemade cookies for sure

Yours has mass produced snack foods, the one the other guy linked has pictures of homemade cookies

I will try to do that

Sorry for calling you the other guy Gar.

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In my defence you’re the other guy

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as far as i’m concerned, every cookie in the “rather eat sand” category is literally the same cookie

What am I supposed to be offended by?

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are we sure Nilla cookies aren’t just sand disguised as a cookie doe

Some people don’t like when you call them “the other guy” despite the fact that they are obviously the other guy. I’m glad you can see the truth of the matter, which is that you were the other person in thread who I was not talking to, therefore making you the other guy

i mean nilla wafers are cookies
much like oreos they require milk to even be consumable

I have had like none of these in years