Now these, these are sooo good. They’re called sekerpare, cookies soaked in not too sweet syrup topped with a hazelnut.
just knocked over my bowl of goldfish
the edible kind not the
Marl Una
anything is edible if you believe
I made risotto today and then I ate it and my brain keeps going “hmmm eat more risotto” and then I have to remind myself that it does not exist any more because I ate it
Especially death caps
Which sucks because usually my brain does not ever go “hmmm eat more this” so I should be taking advantage . But It is four AM so I can’t make any more food s
May just accidentally discovered the magic behind fast food trickery
Drink some lemon water and it will stop the appetite
I do not need appetite suppressants in the slightest
You know we hit 10K posts in like two days of a mafia game we’re really slacking here
That’s because it’s a team effort
This clip is funny because I killed two players called “TheFather” (title The First King) and “HolySpirit” (title Unseen King) simultaneously with one special (we did not see “TheSon”) (presumably they were busy)
Why are you named Athletic Heather
Do you do any of these 2
Athletic Heather is a collective Twitter account shared between a bunch of people who were in a Discord VC at the same time
I don’t have an actual Twitter so I have my Nintendo account linked to Athletic Heather so I can send clips through there
It’s called that because we were browsing Etsy reviews for a t-shirt that came in colour “Athletic Heather” and we thought that sounded like a person’s name
Do not lore Athletic Heather