Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

FAMOUSLY scary activity. Very nerve wracking. To put the numbers into the spreadsheet. Terribly intimidating

I donā€™t understand what this message is saying

itā€™s just so bitter and adding stuff just makes it taste worse

It makes me so goddamn tired cause it messes with my heart. Iā€™ve never understood people who actually get Energy from it I have to lie down for like hours

Even my thrice-weekly milk tea I suspect is making me tired on the days I get it. Class by the boba shop is over now though so there goes that problem

yes may
tea is caffeinated
more at 6

More for me. Unless itā€™s not decaf in which case it is not in fact for me

Do you have synesthesia?

i specifically know this because my doctor told me i had to start drinking decaf because i was drinking too much tea

also they make decaf tea thatā€™s just a thing
it exists

Do I have persistent associations between unrelated sensory phenomena? Yes. But I already said that.

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One doctor told me to drink More Coffee

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Truly cutting-edge treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome. Thank you doctor very cool great job I love health care :+1:

Usually the amount of caffeine in tea or decaf coffee isnā€™t enough to make me super noticeably tired, but I think hte whole having tea that frequently thing is probably having a negative effect

Negative effect on my bank account

i have a dedicated tea brewing pot

it has been used so many times it has a natural fill line because of the stains on it
they do not wash out

I used to make tapioca pearls myself cause itā€™s time consuming and mindless enough to be a good ā€œkeep your hands occupied so you donā€™t go insaneā€ activity but I havenā€™t done it in so long maybe I should again

I had the process all optimal Iā€™m gonna have to relearn the ways to make the fewest dishes. And also relearn how to not get completely owned by the dough cause you gotta get it just right but

Do I even have brown sugar