Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Yea, I feel that!

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im debating on creating a forum mafia political compass meme but instead of putting like certain fm playstyles on it im just going to guess what foler’s political alignments are


I think Eliza already did the former

(Grand Idea Thread game where we both were in and one of the players as a role had Eliza:tm:)

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You will never guess mine.

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this sounds funny you should do it

happy Wallflower Day

also yesterday was Sainfoin Day

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Yesderday was FakeMayDay

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No, it was actually May Day. Just not May day.

Shitty-Ass terrible awful no good day

Good day.

It will be a good day in hell before I will follow your lies.

Honestly I’d love to be in hell. Sounds pretty fun

If they put me in there I would be having a good day

what is @UwU’s political alignment

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i didn’t create it

Jake did

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I did?