Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

14p game
1 Town Ambulance
10 Vanilla Town
2 Mafia Compulsive Non-Consecutive Disloyal Doctors
1 Mafia Goon

Each night the compulsive disloyal doctors must target a member of the town, and they cannot target the same member of town as the other doctor. The doctors may also not submit the same name twice in a row.

Each night the Town Ambulance may submit the name of two players. If either of the players are targeted by a doctor, the Town Ambulance will be notified. All healing actions targeting the first name, will instead target the second name. This does not work in reverse.


Town Ambulance?


okay so
they will instead learn if the second player wias targeted by a doctor, before redirects

no wait
if both are targeted by doctor
learn the name of a random one targeted

Sooo town ambulance, attacks are redirected onto the paramedic?

the ambulance does what I said it does

You are town ambulance!

You do what I say you do

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Baba is you? Check again buddy.

happy Salad Burnet day

also yesterday was Comfrey Day

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which one is the comfrey

head guy :)



I was wondering why FoL looked different on a different browser till I discovered this:

I had an extension on the whole time that made the site look different.

So what if I told you…
You can get this:

To look like this:

But wait there’s more
What if you got this:

To look like this:

(not sponsored)

Mellowtonin theme

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Hey! I have a friend who had his browsers like that


I was losing my mind bcus I was wondering why the heck it was so bright and NOT LIKE IN THE OTHER BROWSER
