Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

holy hell

I love it when people don’t like something so they refuse to believe it exists


Anyway it is a fundamental aspect of player meta which is impossible to deal with

The closest thing to a solution is to learn to enjoy playing as both alignments and putting effort into both
Funnily enough this would also alleviate a lot of other issues such as polarization and people getting shitty teammates

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its optimal
the best way to fix problems is to be ignorant towards them


I don’t like Mondays

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I beat A18 today.

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My deck wasn’t even quite infinite, plenty of draws it couldn’t get off the ground, but I had Calipers, so it didn’t really matter.

Back to dying on the first area for a while.

Today i turned in an assignment in which i typed “marl” instead of “mark”
Didn’t notice it until it was turned in





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Karl Marl

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My sincerest apologies to this table

My sincerest apologies to this table.

janMay (januaryMayuary)

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I remember that Marl also used to grind advanced levels.

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That is the joke

Someone I know called the platform “sexy mahjong” once and I’m mad that I can’t argue with it

I did think that relic looked kinda weird

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