Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

isnt this the fucker that got us kicked off of Chief Delphi

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What? No miscommunications have ever been caused by me and Magnus being indistinguishable. Literally misinformation. I disagree and I’m banning you

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i honestly wish you misvoted in the f3 so i could repost that one prediction post until the end of time

alas it will only be a relatively funny post


I don’t

Think so?

It’s not offensive, it’s cute. I genuinely didn’t realize that people believe this.

In my DRRP community, there’s another person from a similar region (and therefore possessing a similar accent) whose voice sounds similar to mine. Hilarity ensues.



Currently there is an issue where people are breaking the laws of AI and thus making the bot unable to post

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I will never understand what caused them to kick us off chiefdelpyi. I thought they liked magical girls on that forum. Isn’t that what the forum was for(


my cat is a super chunky loaf rn

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I really thought he would throw. But I was hoping he wouldn’t.

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Pics now

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i demand pic

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ah it was “useless”
was a U name


I mean I think the admins were just looking for an excuse to get rid of us lol

The anime themed game with a million posts might’ve also played a part


Question why did the cop die n1

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wait chloe didnt we have to like, defend ob5 to xblade saying that me/you were his friends and that he was inviting his friends (who happened to be tol judges) as opposed to trying to steal tol judges or something lol


i mean i don’t think they would’ve kicked us then and there if admins didn’t get a million flags from that fucker


this is a very not arete thing but also hilarious

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throwback to me trying to argue that orange must have considered Chloe his friend because he tried to set her up with Lissa