Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Happy white rice with lemon juice and salt da y

Is that

Powdered sugar on top

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What is it

I may be stupid

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Flour, butter and sugar

I am technically 1/3 right

That is the most cake-like cake that I have ever seen caked.

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This particular one’s mostly walnuts!!

It’s not even that cake it’s in the Quick Breads section of this cookbook

You need to look at more cakes

By that I meant it doesn’t look majorly substantive.

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Everything is a meal To Me

You’re not so hungry that you could eat a horse.

I am maybe one of hte least hungry people there is. I’ve got a tiny appetite

I eat as a horse does. Rather than eating a horse

Horses can eat prickly pear cactus.

I could eat prickly pear cactus. I believe in myself

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Did you just know this off the top of your head