Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Did I tell you all I got assigned 12 and under at the air port

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The gate to flying overboard?

I donā€™t know how

Okay I do know how I was wearing a mask and a baseball cap and loose fitting clothes but Still. Twleve and under. Come on

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Are you trying to fly bye plane?

I did that already now Iā€™m on a train

I donā€™t have any water because when the person came by with the cart they asked me something in Italian and it took me approximately 5,000 years to process what she was saying because I havenā€™t slept in two days so by the time I managed a response she had left

But I still have my SQUID PIN!!! TSA didnā€™t confiscate my SQUID PIN!!!

I speak quietly enough that they wonā€™t notice if I just respond in Spanish right the mumbled words sound similar enoug h

Probably donā€™t do this

i will not rest until the TSA is permanantly abolished I hate the TSA with a burning passion


the FDA has wronged me too but not as badly and the FDA has a significantly more justifiable existence. It is next on the list though

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there are various other 3 letter govt organizations that I hate but none of the others have directly harmed me

id say the tax one and complete surveillance one are around the same level. I canā€™t look up how to make meth without a cop coming to my door. And when I cook meth the goverment gets me on not giving them a cut? Complete tyranny

Testosterone is a votnrolled substance because they fear my potential

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Estrogen isnt a controlled substance but the FDA throws a fit and emails your parents if you try to buy large quantities of it from china


they just hate 2 see ppl live their truth

Maytosterone (nomalous substance)


i meant anomalous but that works too
