Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

you literalyl can

get him to the backline


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I was winning so hard

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coming to the realisation that those pawns can become literal horses, religious, royalty or a building on the whims of a higher power.

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The king is kindof awesome sheā€™s so pathetic and demandingā€¦ literally makes you put yourself in harmā€™s way for her when she canā€™t even move more than one squareā€¦


have you seen that man lift in end games though?

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No I donā€™t play chess

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I need to fix my internet hold on

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The king may not be particularly mobile but heā€™s uniqueā€¦ the only one a pawn canā€™t becomeā€¦ and for that he is special

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in anti chess you can become the king

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pawn ā†’ knight (furry)
pawn ā†’ bishop (finds god)
pawn ā†’ rook (Spidey Super Stories #8 (Mets reference))
pawn ā†’ queen (fol member)

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can the pawn just deicde to stay a pawnā€¦ like bro lemme chill here

ive solved it. this is hwy in chess you cant become the king. there is no applicable reference

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pawn ā†’ king (king of the castle reference)

gotta expand ur horizons

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ok but in kotc the King is called the Monarch


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that game came out recently. chess came out in 2006. king of the hill


did the chess devs not like king of the hill? that could explain why pawn cant become king

Chess already breaks my brain trying to factor in the explosions is killing me

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