Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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there have been like 6 moves and you can see a win?? what are you

horde chess is special in the sense that pawns can’t protect backwards

I am a genius at losing at chess

this means if a piece gets to the back rank rip your pawns

Wait hold on you win if your piece gets to the end? I was wondering what my wincon was


You win if you checkmate my king

I win if your pawns all die

Ur pawns can promote

Ohhh I see now

I will now sac all my pieces besides two rooks

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have you ever seen litten and magnus in the same room? didn’t think so

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i actually suck at chess
Similar to forum mafia some people just suck more at it than me

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Youre vaguing me again


prove it, lose to me

I can’t figure out how to sac my knight

You’re vagueing may again

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