Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


(when soot is free)

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There are 2 joys in life. One is breakfast pizza. The other is breakfast pizza. I love breakfast pziza

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this is a medival torture method

its not really torture, its pretty quick as far as medival deaths go
you cover a person in honey, and put them in a tiny boat, akin to a canoe, made of wood, with a box in a middle. place the person inside the box, alongside with as many killer bees as you can find, usually 100s to thousands?, then send the boat off to sea, lighting it on fire


are they ever free*

  • joke
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me after this information

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what the hell is breakfast pizza

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So you have pizza and it’s for breakfast

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im 90% sure i have a dining room invite lying around somewhere

you don’t know breakfast pizza? tbh i thought you out of all ppl would know what it is cuz i remember in elementary school in texas they had it

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It really is. Pizza tastes better in the morning. This is my 4th time having breakfast pizza. I’ve kept track

5th actually. I’ve not kept track

nvm its expired

not really, we had lunch pizza because the only thing we ate at school was lunch.

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breakfast pizza was like this weird cheesy sausage pizza but it was genuinely so fucking peak

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when I say breakfast pizza I do literally mean just leftover pizza. I am a very simple girl, all I need is breakfast pizza

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i am at the 100 server limit

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