Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

me too

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minus the lore part

yeah i was insane

daydreaming went so hard

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actually that’s a lie as soon as amelia invited me to fol it was just better

like 4

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but for a good 6 months it was ery nice


i dont have any funny alts and still have 974 days left on my thousand day ban so no reason to create one

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i’m tearing up bro :sob::sob: u can tell i was really crazy over apostle/invoker for NO reason


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i have a feeling you like the word based


i was so based in 2020

OkY but aren’t they converted, do their personalities change?


scod 68 flavor

dude 2020 was 8 years ago now that’s actually craz

here are all of the neuts or at least most of them

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nice fool lore

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Reaper is actually a really cool dude


i have to re emerse myself in the stories and stuff i had for tol

but i’m pretty sure i’ve thought about angsty stuff regarding conversion

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i have a feeling you would’ve liked me that was my entire branding for like a year