Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

My actions are JUSTIFIED okay!!!

I asked them if they want to reach the end of the game and they didn’t even respond!

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this is absolutely perfect in every way


what you guys do if your mom walks into your room and is like “who is katze”


Says pretty clearly in the title under the username, no?

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I don’t understand what this means but I don’t think I like it

I’m scared

Without looking it up, is 57 a prime number?
  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No

0 voters

Recreating Tumblr polls I see to try them out on the demographics here

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The maybe option is an essential part

the immediate urge to click maybe. my answer is submitted and is correct

Because if I am wrong. I can play it off like I considered it.

If the answer is yes then “I had a correct inkling” if the answer is no then “I had some doubts too”


You can always do remove vote

60-3 so no

also if you add the digits in a number and its a multiple of 3, the number is a multiple of 3. 5+7 = 12 = 3x4. thanks PSAT math

60 minus 3 so ho

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this is too simple i brute forced it by going through every squared number until i went past it

math isn’t fun if you don’t make it way more complicated than it has any right to be and use 20 steps for something that has a cheat equation that would take you 3 seconds

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I actually have to use some math and math formulas when I want to script something over retrostudio. Sometimes my logic does mishaps and I stare at my code for like 5 minutes and be like

What math did I do wrong???