Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Our shopping lists are incomprehensible. Every item is modified in this way

If an item isn’t said aloud often enough to be modified it’ll be normal so among a sea of nonsense sometimes you will see simply TAPIOCA FLOUR

IT IS THE YEAR 9. May the Righteous is eaten by a goat as punishment for stealing 2 pieces of silver, a crime they did not commit. Their 7 children eat oatmeal the next day. They are all thinking it

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Could I get a 1-2, a 1-9, and a 1-4

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do you want someone else

No you can do it

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Choose your own May adventure

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Sparkling water, Queen II, and Splatoon 3 for the Nintendo Switch


what was the second one


alums yes…

Choose your own May adventure is going great this is a good bit

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i didnt know that was what that album was called

One of my friends when she was younger was a big Modern Pop Music Is So Cringe I Listen To Queen person, and so that’s what we listened to hanging out. So now it’s the Minecraft Music to me. Very nostalgic. She thinks it was cringe now but there are worse personality traits to have when you’re 13

You’re only 13 once. Those are the prime years for having a superiority complex over something very silly. That’s when you can get away with it, because you’re 13. If you don’t get it over with then, who knows what could happen to you in later years?

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Can I get to be 13 again

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No, but you can be a teenager in other kinds of freeing ways. It’s important to do.


When I was 13 I was evil I’m glad I’m not 13