Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

One day she’ll accept one of my 8ball requests…
One day

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You convinced the home invader to play pool with katze on the phone



whatever goes on inside arctics head is a mystery to me


bottom text

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You know, I find it fascinating how when different sites say “no NSFW”, they mean completely different things. I’ve been to places where “no NSFW” means you can’t say the word “penis”. Not even out of context. Not even when you’re not discussing an actual penis. You can’t say “they said ‘penis’ on the forums and it was funny”. And I’ve also been to places where it just means “no outright porn”. It’s interesting.


In the cursed lands I called home it meant no nudity. and that was very lenient. I don’t think that was a very good place to spend my formative years

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Would Dripping Glamour Kaguyahime have been counted as nudity


that isnt even CLOSE to the line

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I mean, she’s not wearing any clothing.

I’ll be honest I don’t rember exactly what gdripping glamour kaguyahime looks like. It has been a minute

My default assumption is “internet rules say people here can be 13, don’t post anything you wouldn’t say to a 13-year-old”, which I think is a stricter-than-average interpretation? I usually find myself on the side of caution here. Which is fine. Caution is good.

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I came SO close to misspelling that is “gripping glamour kaguyahime”. That wouldve been awesome


She has a modesty water splash

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Because people can be 13. They can even lie and be younger than 13. Fucked up.

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After further consideration, dripping glamor kaguyahime is still acceptable

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I think where things go wrong is where the 13 year olds say things they say to 13 year olds. then all hell breaks loose


Yeah the 13 year olds will say fucked up things to 13 year olds. Because they’re 13

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