Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I didn’t know Hally is French.

I would ask for a bigger bat. I wouldn’t wanna miss.

Hey anyone wanna help me with a Pokemon-related Discord Survivor challenge

I have to beat someone at Poketwo Discord bot

what is the poketwo discord bot

It’s a Pokemon Discord bot where you catch Pokemon in servers and level them up by talking… I have like a couple years’ worth of accumulated Pokemon but NO idea how to use them

something something type advantages? idk what to tell you i don’t know the specifics

It’s like. Okay so the bot doesn’t have status effects. Which surely means there’s exploits I can do to win here but I feel like you need someone familiar with the specific bot to know those well

does it have confusion

It doesn’t have status effects

I played it a few years ago. At that stage none of the abilities “worked” or had effects. It was just damaging moves. So you would just pick the pokemon with the best numbers.

I won a few pvp badges. There were real ppl who were gym leaders, and had rules for what pokemon you vould bring.

For your game it really depends on what are the rules. If there are no rules just bring the highest statted ubers

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95% of pokemon are unplayable in pvp in poketwo, except for rules that handicap power level

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You can open a wiki containing list of all pokemon, sort by highest total stats first and highest speed, and go from there

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what is deoxys-speed’s impact on the poketwo discord bot lead meta

I fucked up counting and gave up on the challenge

Counting was a separate unrelated part of the challenge

you do have to count to 6 to play pokemon yeah




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