A small Amelia
Or who was memed that they once were young over the forums but then time passed and passed and passed…
A small Amelia
Or who was memed that they once were young over the forums but then time passed and passed and passed…
People used to guess I was significantly older than I actually am but that was many selves ago
I do not think they would guess that any more
May I’m really mature right
Well when I read the Nya from your title. I believe I don’t have to say anything else
Youre exactly as mature as I am
Blame mag for that
Nya is your explanation which is what i hope they give you
Slowly all members of the forum will become cat
It would be a hazardwaste of time
It will happen to you, nya
You can’t turn me away from sunset
or bunny
I got a shirt today
What does this mean
Big Boot from 1984…