Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

that’s what the Australians want us to believe



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I’m surprised you’re keeping count

See most of the time the GMs don’t come out afterward and say “BTW I cancelled it because May was so mean and cruel to me” & then leave the server

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This is because they are cowards

I think this is a flaw


This should’ve been the conclusion to your game

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actual explanation: I don’t wanna actually run a game for the players enjoyment and I’m kinda bored of the game now that I’m being complained about it let me make up some reasons

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^ Guy who was not there

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I love making up stuff and slandering people


HA, managing to get bullied by May of all people is the most pathetic thing I’ve heard of :joy_cat:. It’s like getting crushed into a pulp by the weight of air.


May haunts their dreams, you can’t just make fun of people like that

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Cause you are so mean and cruel to everyone you meet obviously

They are going to wake up drenched in sweat as they nerveoilsy think back to how may asked whether mafia can watch and kill if the kill fails

I’ve never met a group of people so convinced I am like innately incapable of being mean


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Be mean to me may

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You are capable of being mean
I imagine you liked to steal pencils from people who irritated you

