Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong



I am so proud of them


Final ranking probs at the start of South 2

Player Score 1st place (%) 2nd place (%) 3rd place (%) 4th place (%)
Self :point_down: 63000 99.335 0.653 0.010 0.002
Shimocha :point_right: 9600 0.163 21.545 29.369 48.923
Toimen :point_up_2: 11400 0.424 27.319 36.396 35.862
Kamicha :point_left: 16000 0.078 50.483 34.226 15.213
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is this one of those magic squares they use to summon demons

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It’s “May has a 99.335% chance of winning”

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why are you self

is this custom made for you

why does the person in second place have the lowest chance of winning

It’s a mahjong machine learning model which reviews your games for you. Self is me, “shimocha” means the player to your right, toimen across, kamicha to your left.

My kamicha’s chances of winning were so low because they had already been the dealer that round, so they had no chance of chaining together dealer wins to chip their way into first (the hand repeats if you win as dealer). However, they still had the second-most points, so they could just sit on those and come in second.

They did. I called a win off my shimocha and put them into negative points that hand, instantly ending the game.

the last thing we need is for the machines to be fed mahjong

I’m just that good.


never even had to play a single game.


Poverty below, heaven above

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The buildings in far front are soviet era office buildings

Is that a mine by any chance

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I think its just a city. Those look like houses to me. Soviet era offices are all blocky like the building in the back

Er not houses. Living complexes

That’s what I meant :see_no_evil:

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