the victims are still dead, so no. And the ST won’t pretend they can.
it would admittedly be funny because it would be up to the storyteller whether spy registers as good for wincon. and they’re obviously not gonna let it happen if the spy just outs the evil team. so it probably comes down to either the times where spy does really subtle subterfuge or when the spy outplays good but the demon still dies anyway
how many people can you get to join magnus game
Depends how unethical I’m feeling
on a scale of robbing babies and helping the elderly how ethical you feeling
I’m in a bad mood so
what happened
other Barrow-Fog fact
this is apparently a demon meant for the script where demons dont kill
…what a ripoff
I had a dream where something irreversible and Bad happened so I’m still kind of living in that world. And I’m mad about being bad at mafia
And I’m very very tired
the script where what
Are there any other effects where you can, like, not wake???
The Anti Meme (Minon)
Each night you may target a player. The story teller will forgot to wake the player. If a story teller legitmately forgets, even if this minon isn’t in play, the story teller will blame this minon and not refund the ability.
…granted, Leviathan is announced and Riot is frankly fairly obvious so the only demon you’d mistake a Barrow-Fog game for is Virilus
…which also has a blatant tell in occasionally having players drop dead after voting, and winning the game after day 4
What that demon do
What other demons you hiding in your brain
Also Jarek’s game.