Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

im emotional but I play so much better when I’m not. Like if I dont have a chance to have emotion or i simply evolve past it I play SO much better. I should go get a doctor to do things to m ybrain ill play better at game

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Oh thats fine thats normal they like that

Catgirls usually don’t scream


I think I should stop seeing the people I play against as people

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Im getting at something good here I can feel it. This is the way forwards

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Evil begins when people start seeing others as things



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There were so many more ayoable comments in this thread

Anyway now that I’m not distracted by complaining about being bad at mafia yea sure

Like what. That was pretty ayoable

Eevee wanted into the furnace once he realized his mistake that there were catgirls in the furnace

I’m sure nothing bad would have happened if I let him in

blame ob5 (i an emphasizing i had no part in this)

i am a part of the 2% (i dont actually believe this but i will say it anyway)

feel better friendo

Evil only begins there because people are far too willing to damage what they see as inanimate. What I’m saying is that I’m concious and none of you are. You’re all just automatons here

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Spoken like a true robot

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i’m now calm!

(you’re great and you’ve literally never done anything bad by me)


but i feel like i should say this now
if you’re going to post anything vaguely sexual on a p13 website and you’re not gonna stop unless someone gives you an explicit reason why, ask me, please
otherwise just. dont.




pardon, is this rolemadness?