Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I consider my allies to be helpful to me and an attack on them is usually an attack on my wincon so it’s bad


Playing EiMM on the Discord server was such a strange experience because nobody was as stingy with alias claims as we had all been.

If you tell one person, even under oath of silence, everyone knows it ten hours later. Even if you tell nobody, you’ll get copped or something.



Nobody would ever wear red and green under normal conditions.

i still don’t know how scorbunny got my alias, exact hp value and full role

That’s because they are pulling things like “I need to know your alias so I don’t accidently hit them
Oh yeah I have this list of aliases any problem with me trying to just nuke them? Oh one of them is your ally?”

I played an EiMM on the server one time and I will never fucking forget it

i don’t think i opened a single whisper with literally anyone until like day 4

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That’s how scorbunny found my alias lmao

Buddycop game. With my friend Poy. I spent the ENTIRE GAME telling Poy “Bowman is going to kill us. Bowman is plotting agaisnt us. Bowman gave us the alias list to buy favour and they are shooting us at night with their real allies. We need to kill Bowman right now. The people I am plotting against Bowman with are our real allies” and Poy was like hahahaha no what are you talking about Bow is cool and then we die and the damage numbers come out

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My alias was “GAY DIVORCE” and I had to out it because I got put on 1,000 shotlists D1

in hindsight i still don’t think it was the right idea to flaunt this information directly in the target’s face that’s how you get
you know


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That’s homophobic

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It’s against the rules to be homophobic I hope they were all banned


That’s such a genius alias name if fol eimm was ever played again

i think everyone talking about how much they were gonna shoot katze and then completely ignoring katze was a real betrayal


Also Poy told me the heal limit was 4hp healed globally and not 4hp per person like it actually was so every time I chipped at the guy I was like “I’ve rebelled against Poy by sending a million little shots at him surely he dies next”

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And there were like 3 heals I was trying to strongarm out of people that I gave up because I thought we had hit limit