Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

reject fashion return to plain t shirt and sweats

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I have a green shirt and red and purple sweaters

You canā€™t get away with being convincing in ITA games, unfortunately. You just get shot at SoD if one person thinks theyā€™re more right than everyone else.

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I bought the green shirt for a pair of patterned shorts but it doesnā€™t actually work w/ them

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did you just admit to having a skill issue

you also canā€™t get away with skating the line if everyone on the bad side of what used to be the edge is dead


I didnā€™t have the shorts on hand

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Pink could work?

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ā€” Charles Swindoll

use this to judge what shirt to wear

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Or you could just be May I guess.

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being mafia is like running from a bear you just need to be townier than the guy on the chopping block and this understandably falls apart if the bear has a gun


I canā€™t believe you guys didnā€™t notice you had a strongman kill

Well, thereā€™s more to it then that, but correct in essentials.

Personally, I shove people into the bearā€™s path behind me.


I personally label signs saying beware of bear trap so they look on the ground for the bear traps and getting eaten by the bear which was the trap


Iā€™ll save some people so they can publicise my heroism to the media even though some people were regrettably sacrificed.

i was kind of busy trying to put a metaphorical shattered vase back together


and also going through withdrawal induced depression that was really the fun part